Notice of Application for a s245 Certificate – Determination of Reporting Units

Notice is hereby given in accordance with regulation 154 (2) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009 that the Health Services Union has applied to the General Manager of the Fair Work Commission for a certificate under s 245 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.

The substance of the application is to combine the National Office Reporting Unit (NORU) with the reporting unit that is the South Australian/Northern Territory Branch. NORU current is responsible for complying with the financial reporting obligations of the National Office. As a result of the proposed changes:

  1. The financial affairs of the SA/NT Branch and the National Office will form part of and are to be integrated into the NORU reports;
  2. NORU will take over administrative responsibility for the financial management of the SA/NT Branch;
  3. Each month, NORU will provide the SA/NT Branch Committee with a Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Branch;
  4. In addition to reporting requirements of the NORU in accordance with s 265 of the Act, the SA/NT Branch Committee of Management will cause a financial report for the year ended 30 June each year to be provided to the members of the Branch outlining income and expenditure of the NORU on behalf of the SA/NT Branch, within five months of the end of the financial year.

The application is supported by the National Executive of the Union and the Branch Committee of Management of the SA/NT Branch.

Any member wishing more details of the application can contact Leigh Svendsen at

Chris Brown
HSU National Secretary

Jorge Navas
Branch Secretary of the HSU SA/NT Branch



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