As the number of days without known cases of COVID-19 continues to climb, and we start to see further restrictions lifted across the state, we are keeping in mind that many members are continuing with vital work to detect and prepare for a potential second wave of cases.
We encourage members in all workplaces to continue following both government and work health and safety guidelines around physical distancing and PPE. Safety is a union business.
Please read on for our latest update. If you have any questions, we always encourage you to get in touch with the union as soon as possible.
Member meeting: SA Pathology
SA Pathology staff at the Royal Adelaide Hospital are reminded that HSU organiser Billy will be attending your workplace to meet with members about the recently proposed changes to the structure of your workplace.
Billy will be available from 12- 1.30 pm on Tuesday the 26th of May in the AP Blue Space in RAH SA Pathology, next to your tearoom.
Contact details:
0427 267 996
A win for casual workers
Casual workers have had a big win this week with a Federal Court finding that those who work regular and predictable shifts with a firm advance commitment to work are not genuine “casuals” even if they are described as such in employment contracts. This means that there is a large part of the Australian workforce that is entitled to paid annual, sick and carer’s leave! This is a win in the fight against eroding working conditions in the entire workforce, and the HSU will keep members up to date on what this might mean for your work.
For more information check out this article by the ABC.
Public Sector EA meetings + consultation
This past week HSU officials have been meeting with members in the Public Sector to consult on the log of claims and discuss what it will take to win improvements to pay and conditions. The HSU is putting more resources than ever into supporting members and building our power in workplaces- if you weren’t able to attend the LHN meetings but would like to get involved in the campaign or set up a meeting for your team, get in touch at
In Union, your team at HSU.