The HSU SA/NT is run by and for its members. The Committee of Management is the body responsible for the overall management of the branch and is comprised of members elected every four years. The branch also participates in two bodies that govern the affairs of the national union: National Council and National Executive.

Committee of Management

The HSU SA/NT Branch Committee of Management (BCOM) is the body responsible overall for the management and control of the affairs of the union. The roles and function of the management committee are determined by the rules of the union.

All members of the BCOM are elected by the HSU SA/NT membership every four years. It consists of four Officers and five Ordinary Members.

The Committee of Management meets at least four times a year. Some key functions of the committee include developing strategies and campaigns that improve members’ conditions of employment as well as scrutinise, review and approve expenditure.

From time to time it establishes sub-committees around specific projects or issues.

The following people comprise the current Committee of Management:

Role Person Occupation + Employer
President Hajisa Teague Radiographer, Breast Screen SA
Senior Vice President John Hristopoulos Radiographer, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Secretary Billy Elrick Paid Official, former Disability Development and Services Officer
Assistant Secretary Angela Osbourne-Johnson Radiation Therapist, GenesisCare
Ordinary Members (5) Minh-Tran Pham
Matthew Chapman Cardiac Physiologist, Lyell McEwin Hospital
Ashley Chandler Medical Scientist, Australian Clinical Labs
Rob Low
Dr Brooke Packham Clinical Psychologist


National COUNCIL

National Council is comprised of delegates from each branch of the HSU. Every four years delegates are directly elected by members of each branch. The number of delegates for each branch is determined by the number of members in that branch. Only National Council has the power to alter the rules of the union and they are also responsible for electing the National Officers of the union. HSU SA/NT has one delegate.

National Executive

The HSU National Executive governs the union between National Council meetings. National Executive meets at least six times a year and is comprised of the National Officers of the union and the Secretaries of each of the nine HSU branches. In the case where a Branch Secretary is also elected as a National Officer, the Assistant Branch Secretary carries the votes of their branch.

Recent Campaigns

Change The Rules

We Are The Allied